New Composition In the Shop

From today, my latest composition “Mephisto Blues” is available for purchase in the web shop. The composing of this piece was swift and inspired, and I’m very pleased with this chart. Because the December Sale is under way, this new chart is published with the same price reduction of 30% as all the other compositions.

Many (really many, many) years ago, some friends and I saw the movie “The Devil’s Advocate” (the one with Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino). The film made us discussing why there are so many myths about equilibristic musicians (such as Paganini), and espescially blues musicians (Robert Johnson and Jimmy Page, come to mind), making pacts with the DeviI. From that I began to speculate about if the Devil would recognise the concept of blues and what that blues would be – and sound – like.

These speculations coincided with me reading Goethe, and I got inspired to compose a piece that has the twelwe bar form of a blues, with significant chord changes at the second, fifth and ninth bars, but as it is said that the Devil is a deciever and falsifier I worked out a very undefined tonality and ambiguous modality for the song – so one would recognise the ingredients of the blues, but be confused and misled. I performed this song with many small jazz groups, for many years.

Now, I have turned this song into a Big Band arrangement featuring the two lowest saxophones, Tenor sax 2 and the Baritone sax. I really hope I have been able to portray the eerie mood that such a sinister entity as the Devil evokes, without making the song depressing.

Finally: The December Sale is under way! Take the opportunity to buy great charts at favorable, reduced prices – 30% off on all compositions, and 25% off on all arrangements. All to give your band a fresh injection to the repertoire for the spring season’s rehearsals.

The December Sale is under way (problems probably solved)

After some adjusting of the individual product settings and resetting the prices, it seems like I have made the December Sale work. I hope that the sale prices will be consistent throughout the check-out and purchase process, but if there is even the slightest problem with the product setting and the pricings – contact me immediately at: “contact(at)danieleng(dot)com”.

Over the coming days, I will perform some tests and try-outs with the site and the products, to ensure that everything works and shows as intended, and further progress or setbacks will be reported for your information.

Faulty December Sale (work is underway)!

Today, Friday December 1:st, should be the start of the December Sale for 2023, instead it seems that something isn’t working correctly. The listed prices do not show any reductions…… What the prices actually will be – and what will be shown – upon checkout, I have not been able to test yet.

Exactly what has happened is not yet clear, but I am looking into it, this far without any significant progress, nor success. Most likely, this malfunction stems from a failed upgrade of my site’s WooCommerce plugin, and the only thing to do then, is wait for a developer-corrected version.

In the meantime, I wish everybody visiting here a really nice and good start of December!

New Composition In the Shop

My latest composition, a really fast swing piece for a female vocalist titled City Bird, is from today available for purchase in the shop. The lyrics is written by me, and concerns persons that are both nice and at the same time condescending and arrogant, and their effects on, and eventual resemblance of, oneself. A part of the Japanese themed concert content I’m working on, the term City Bird refers to an old metaphor of a certain species of gull, but is here also connected to urbanized people, their views of the World and how they interact with those who do not live in a big city.

There will also be a December Sale, here in The Shop. Between December 1:st and 31:st prices will be reduced by 30% on all compositions, and 25% on all arrangements. Take the opportunity to buy stimulating and energizing charts, that are both fun to play and listening to, for your Big Band – to get an injection of energy to your band when the spring rehearsing semester starts anew in January.

Full program: Funk, Jazz and Folk

Last Sunday, October 15th, the eminent Immanuel Big Band once again gave me the joy of performing my music. In an extensive two-set program under my conducting, the band teamed up with the fantastic vocalist Viktoria Glans and the previously introduced, equally nice Anders Bergman, to perform both instrumental and vocal music – in genres from jazz to funk and folk – entirely of my production. In front of a large audience the band and Viktoria premiered three songs from my pen: “Good Morning to Me”, “Childhood Friends” and “Floating Head”, all were played for the very first time with excellence, precision and energy. Anders Bergman joined in the second set, to help end the concert in the duet “The Terrible Absence of You”, which showed how well both the vocalist’s voices matched and complemented each other in the most natural way.

The rehearsal period was short; intense and sweaty, but the band pulled through and performed on top, with focus and skill, and the total is an energizing and creativity-boosting experience for me – and hopefully for the band too. Though nothing is planned, I already look forward to doing a new project with them.

A heartfelt and sincere Thank You! to the band, Viktoria and Anders, for a great performance and a really enjoyable project time!

Other than the above, the post production of the tracks that Big Engband cut in August is under way. With the mixing and add-ons almost done, mastering will be scheduled, and after that five tracks from my pen in a constellation of Big Engband, will be published for public access and listening. Preparations for The Winter Sale are also in the works, with the annual December reduction of prices coming up as usual. Finally, a new composition for Big Band and female vocalist, titled “City Bird”, will also be published here soon. More information about all this, will subsequently be published here.

As you can see, there is a lot going on and I hope this will keep me warm and moderately busy during the now seriously onsetting Autumn. I wish you all visiting here to stay warm and cosy during these dark Autumnal evenings, and that we all (on the northern Hemisphere) will get a nice winter to embed us until spring.

Concert coming up

This coming Sunday, October 15th, I will be conducting and presenting the eminent Immanuel Big Band in a two-set concert entirely of my music, with the great Victoria Glans as vocalist. She will be joined in a couple of songs by the previously introduced, splendid vocalist Anders Bergman.

The band and I have been rehearsing together avidly and diligently for quite some time now, and this concert will mark the end of a very fun and rewarding project that I will think back on fondly.

The concert will be held at Immanuelskyrkan, Kungstensgatan 17, Stockholm. Concert start is 16:00 hrs in two sets of about 40 minutes each. Free admission.

Very Welcome!

Corrections in the free chart “Good Morning to Me”

Just the other day I noticed that there was a mistake made in the edited notation of the promotional score “Good Morning to Me”. In the score and in the Tenor sax 2 part, there is a flat symbol missing in the outro of the song. The correction is that Tenor sax 2 through bars 106-112 should play a notated Eb (sounding Db and written as such in the Concert Key score).

This notation error is now promptly corrected, and the adjusted chart is now available. See the corrections below:

A lot going on

This last month has been busy, and the coming months will continue in the same fashion – simply put: There is a lot going on right now. A couple of weeks ago my big band project, Big Engband, went into the studio and cut five tracks that now are to be mixed, mastered and subsequently published for public listening on, among others, Spotify and Apple Play. It will still take some time before everything is done and ready, and I will of course notify here when the tracks are published.

The studio session also had the good result that more products in the web shop now can get listening examples, to facilitate the description of the songs. Quirky Quantum Quarks is one that already has listening up, but more will follow.

Other than that, the eminent and ambitious Immanuel Big Band will hold a concert with my music on Sunday October 15:th. They will perform an extensive program entirely of my songs, and will be joined on stage by the great vocalist Victoria Glans and a special guest. More information about the event will be published closer to concert.

I’m also finalizing the editing of the new composition “City Bird”, which will be published here in the web shop upon completion. A part of the Japanese-themed concert program I’m working on, it’s an up tempo piece for female vocalist and big band, with lyrics about seemingly nice, but somwewhat dubious people. More info will come upon publishing.

A couple of days remaining of the Summer Sale

There are only a few days left of this year’s Summer Sale. Sieze the opportunity to buy great sounding charts, that are fun to play and pleasing to listen to, at reduced prices for the upcoming autumn rehearsal semester. Until August the 31:st the reductions are 25% on all arrangements, and 30% on all compositions.

The last recommendations I give for this summer, are for those who look for charts that are difficult enough that not many bands can pull them off. If your band wants to show its skills, stamina and technique Iraqi Blues is a medium-up 5/4 meter piece that demands all that; with a prefered Piccolo Trumpet lead and a sax- and a shout- chorus that both require some serious rehearsing. Mister Ostrich is a fast piece in 17/4, most often subdivided 5-5-7, that due to its sheer tempo takes a really good band to play and perform, while Ge Mig (with Swedish lyrics) is an uptempo song that switches between 4/4 and 6/4 with a counterpoint shout chorus, that demands skills and an acute awareness of form in both the band and the female vocalist. Just Friends, is a difficult and demanding chart; not only from being in the key of E, but also from a long outro and intro with vocalise and reduced ensemble that takes some practising to master. Check these charts out to give your musicians a real challenge come the start of the rehearsing season!

I wish all of you visiting here a really nice August, and a great start of the oncoming Autumn!

Special recommendations for August

Today is the last day of July, meaning there still is about a month left of this year’s Summer Sale. Take the opportunity to buy some great Big Band charts at nicely reduced prices: 25% off on all arrangements, and 30% off on all compositions. All to get your band a repertoire boost for the autumn re-start.

This time, I recommend some more specialised charts, that are fun to play, sound terriffic but also offer something out of the ordinary that may or may not be discernible at first listening. Funk Foray, is a 13/4 journey into odd meter funk that is fairly easy to play, and catchy to listen to, where the odd meter isn’t so prominent that everybody immediately hear it as odd meter; Black Cat Blues, is a blues for a male vocalist, seemingly regular but in a thirteen bar form, where it takes a while for both the player and the listener to hear and get accustomed to the added measure; Like Someone In Love, is a regular swing for a female vocalist, where the key of the song gets transposed a half tone up and back again; discreetely enough that it’s not certain that all listeners catch up on what just happened; Matinee Idol, is a fairly straight off arrangment of the Yellowjacket’s hit, but with an interlude snuck in that many take for being a part of original form – when it really isn’t.

I hope you all visiting here have a great summer – or winter on the southern hemisphere! – and that you can relax, rest and recuperate on a summer vacation.