Iraqi Blues





Iraqi Blues

Iraqi Blues

Description: A medium up funky blues, with a stick, in 5/4 even 8ths. The piece is written for an A- or Bb-piccolo trumpet lead, but can with some effort be played with a regular Bb-trumpet lead. The piece starts with a slow intro and a pick up to the main tempo and theme. After the stick come open choruses for solos in various instruments, that after the last soloist lead to an interlude-like part that serves as a pick up for a quite demanding sax chorus. After the sax chorus comes a band shout, that leads back to the main theme and an outro. Notated key G (D blues).
Soloist(s) or feature: Open for various soloists: Tenor sax 1, Baritone sax, Trumpet 4, Trombone 2 (piano or guitar possible but not indicated in parts or score).
Reed setting: 1 Soprano sax; 1 alto sax; 2 tenor sax; 1 Baritone sax.
Rhythm section setting: Electric guitar, piano; electric bass (preferably); drum set.
Lead Tp max range:
Notated tempo (bpm): 170-174
Approx. playing time: From about 6 min and up, depending on solo chorus length.
Difficulty (1 very easy to 10 very hard): 9



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