Just Past Midsummer

Thursday 21:st of June, at 12:07 pm local Swedish time was the summer solstice for this year. From now on the warmest period of summer will come, while the days get shorter until December 21:st.

This is also the time when many people go on summer vacation, as have I. Though I’m spending time at my summer house, I enjoy the luxury of free time to do some composing – but in a more rural setting.

The Summer Sale is continuing throughout August. Take the opportunity to buy unique Big Band charts at a discount for your band’s autumn startup. 20% off on all compositions, and 15% off on all arrangements.

I wish all you visiting here a really nice and relaxing summer!

Summer Sale 2018

The Summer Sale this year is from 2018-06-01 throughout 2018-08-31. The discount is 20% off on all compositions, and 15% off on all arrangements.

Take the chance to buy some exciting charts and get a kick start for the band at the first rehearsal after summer break.


I wish you all visiting here a really nice Summer!

Happy “Valborg”

In the Nordic countries there is a tradition of burning large fires in the late spring, to usher in the arrival of summer. Where this tradition comes from, and how old it is, is unknown to me as I write this, but most likely it is a combination of pagan and early Christian practices.

In Sweden, April 30th is Valborg’s name-day – Valborg is an old nordic pagan name – and since that is today – I wish all of you visiting here: Happy Valborg!

The fourth and last movement of Guitar Pastime Suite is now much delayed under way, and will be published here upon completion.

New composition in the shop (and a correction)

From today, Past Masters, the third movement of the suite Guitar Pastime Suite, is available in the web shop. The work on this suite fell severly behind schedule due to much work and the disrupting loss of my computer, but finally the chart is edited and uploaded here.

Also a correction would be in place here. In the post from September 22, I said that the nights are longer than the days from the automnal equinox until December 21, the winter solstice. This is not the case. The correct description is that the nights are longer than the days between the automnal and the vernal equinox, approximately between September 21 and March 20 – whereas the winter solstice marks the end of the nights getting longer, and summer solstice ends the days getting longer. All this on the northern hemisphere.

Lost, not found – replaced!

If anyone wonders about the last months silence on my behalf, on my site, it’s because I had my computer stolen some time ago. Besides the finacial hit of loosing programmes, licenses and the hardware, it was also a substantial loss of work and basic material for past and coming projects; multiple gigabytes of data in sound files, countless note files, valuable documents and a lot of photos were lost.

Now I have bought a new computer and though much is irretrievably lost, I have finally gotten everything as much in place as needed to get back on track again, so from now on I can continue doing updates and publish new charts; next up is Guitar Pastime Suite part 3, titled “Past Masters”, that will be published here as soon as the Finale editing is completed.

When Nights Get Longer

Today is the Automnal Equinox – after today, on the northern hemisphere the nights are longer than the days until December 21.

In ancient times the apparent celestial movement of the sun was essential to people, and the various cycles of the sun were both celebrated and feared, as they have such influence (both physical and psychological) on the life and well being of both men and creatures. To me; it’s kind of strange that not more modern music inspired by these annual events is composed – but maybe that’s because we live less in consideration of the sun’s phases in today’s society.

One who has composed music inspired by today’s solar event is Jean Michel Jarre. His music has been a huge influence and inspiration to me, and his 1978 album Equinoxe is one that I’ve listened to hundreds of times – each time feeling something new about the both powerful, awe inducing and beautiful powers of the nature and universe that harbour our little blue and green planet.

Extended Summer Sale

Today is – according to the calendar – the last day of the three summer months (on the northern hemisphere that is). By all accounts this would have meant that this year’s summer sale ends, but this is not the case.

Due to a late start, this Summer Sale is extended until September 10, so if you want to buy some unique Big Band charts at a discount, you have eleven more days to go.

New gateway for payment added

I hope the midst of summer finds all you visiting my site well and relaxed from vacationing.

For those hesitant to use PayPal, I have now added Stripe to the web shop as an alternative gateway for payment. From today, it is possible to use either PayPal or Stripe to handle your payment in the Check Out page.

I wish you all a really nice and relaxing summer; on my behalf, I will spend much time with the books I have on my to-read list!

Summer Sale 2017

At last, this year’s Summer Sale is under way. The delay is due to me having much to do, and many assignments coinciding. To compensate for this I have extended the sale dates until September 10. Take your chance to buy some unique charts at a discount, to warm your instruments when the days get shorter again and the leaves yellow.

The discount is 20% off on all compositions, and 15% off on all arrangements.

I wish you all a really nice Summer!

New composition in the store

My first plan was to have all four movements of Guitar Pastime Suite complete and edited in late May or June, but somehow work got in the way and it is only now that I can publish the fourth movement, Juggling, here. It is available for purchase in the store from today. Part one and three are still under way and will be published here upon completion.

Me conducting Huddinge Big Band, with Peter Lissenko standing as soprano sax soloist, and Lars Jansson at the piano.

Other than that, I have corrected some small errors in various parts and scores, so my charts are as correct and uniform as possible at any time.

Here is also a picture of this Saturday’s concert at Huddinge Jazzfestival, where I’m conducting Huddinge Big Band featuring the great pianist Lars Jansson.